Howarth | Academy Bassoon Reed Starter Set


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The Howarth Academy Bassoon Reed Starter Set comes with 3 Howarth Academy bassoon reeds safely housed in a Howarth Academy bassoon reed case. This is perfect for new bassoonists and ideal for students starting on school or rental instruments.
Our popular Howarth Academy bassoon reed is very free blowing and has a good all round performance. It is suitable for players of all levels. They have a dark green binding.


The Howarth Academy bassoon reed case can hold up to 3 reeds. It is small black compact case with sprung hinges. This is a great way to store and protect your bassoon reeds.

We recommend 3 reeds should last a whole term for most beginner players. This is with the exception of accidental damage.

Additional information

SKU 2100002508639
Weight 15 g
